We hope this finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Here at BWP, we are working within the challenges of COVID-19 and maintaining a fully operational office. Our attorneys and staff are working remotely and in the office on a rotating basis. We are available 24/7. Please do not hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can support you. We understand that you may not be able to treat with doctors and therapists as needed. We encourage you to follow any prescribed at-home care plan, attend appointments as able, and document your treatment.
As always, we are diligently working on your case and are continuing to protect your interests. We continue to move your case towards its resolution during these extraordinary times. The Connecticut Judicial Branch has implemented many changes, including the suspension of trials and all non-critical functions. Our attorneys are conducting client meetings, depositions, arbitrations, and mediations via remote video in the interest of bringing cases to a conclusion.
BWP is immensely grateful for everyone who has put their own personal health and lives on the line every day to help to treat patients and help to contain the virus. As we all attempt to get through these difficult times, please know that we are here for you and your family. We can do this together!